Lights, Camera, Action...Transforming Your Instruction Through Lab Classrooms & Peer Observations (Lead)
Session Type
Get Your Lead On
Lights, camera, action...let us show you how to create low risk learning opportunities within your school that yield high rewards. Teachers and leaders can think like scientists and experiment with new techniques or tools in authentic classroom settings allowing for creativity and innovation without fear of failure.
- This workshop equips school leaders with innovative strategies to enhance teacher collaboration and professional growth through lab classrooms and peer observations.
- Participants will explore how lab classrooms foster a culture of shared learning and experimentation.
- Through interactive activities and practical planning, leaders can boost teacher effectiveness, and ultimately improve student outcomes.
- Leave with a step-by-step action plan for integrating lab classrooms and peer observations within your school, ensuring clear goals, timelines, and resources for successful implementation.
Now it’s your turn to take the lead! Step into the spotlight as a school leader, ready to create an environment where experimentation sparks innovation, collaboration drives growth, and every teacher has the opportunity to shine. Let’s turn your vision into practice and watch your school transform with lab classrooms and peer observations—high rewards, low risk, and endless potential!
Session Research
Guskey, T. R. (2002). “Professional Development and Teacher Change”
Lozano, S.M., & Lemberger, M.E. (2013). “Collaborative Peer Observation for Teacher Professional Development: A Model for Enhancing Instruction”
Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009). “Teacher Learning: What Matters?”
Blasé, J., & Blasé, J. (2004). “Handbook of Instructional Leadership: How Really Good Principals Promote Teaching and Learning”
Lozano, S.M., & Lemberger, M.E. (2013). “Collaborative Peer Observation for Teacher Professional Development: A Model for Enhancing Instruction”
Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009). “Teacher Learning: What Matters?”
Blasé, J., & Blasé, J. (2004). “Handbook of Instructional Leadership: How Really Good Principals Promote Teaching and Learning”