Greetings, valiant educators! Brace yourselves for a morphing good time as you journey into the realm of educational magic! Join Wade as he takes you through the morphing grid in an interactive training full of fun and excitement to help equip you to wield the transformative power of game-based and interactive learning to captivate students’ imaginations and elevate classroom engagement! In this session, you will:
Morph into Engagement (Power Up Your Classroom): Buckle up and get ready to set the stage for the magical quest to discover how we can morph ordinary lessons into extraordinary adventures.
1. It’s Morphin Time: Unleash the Power! Identify and utilize Hope and Wade King’s Rules of Rigor to ensure every student plays a pivotal role in the quest for knowledge, power up lessons and activities with application rather than memorization, and use Zordon’s guidance to set and establish crystal- clear expectations for a harmonious learning environment.
2. Megazord Mastery: Explore collaborative challenges that transform your classroom into a powerhouse of learning. Witness firsthand how combining forces can lead to the ultimate triumph of rigorous learning.
3. Gear up, brave educators! Let’s embark on a journey where the Power of Rigor and the Magic of games and activities collide, creating an educational experience that transcends the ordinary! May the Rigor Protect You!